On Friday, Kangana Ranaut announced that the release of her highly anticipated directorial debut, Emergency, has been postponed. Originally scheduled for September 6, the film’s release has been delayed due to ongoing issues with the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). In a heartfelt message shared on X (formerly Twitter), Ranaut expressed her disappointment and thanked her supporters for their patience.
“With a heavy heart I announce that my directorial Emergency has been postponed,” Ranaut wrote. “We are still waiting for the certification from the censor board. The new release date will be announced soon. Thanks for your understanding and patience.” The actress included a folded hand emoji to convey her gratitude.
Emergency stars Kangana Ranaut as former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, focusing on the 21-month period of emergency rule she imposed from 1975 to 1977. The film also features Anupam Kher and the late Satish Kaushik, adding to the film’s significance.
The project has faced significant controversies, particularly from Sikh groups, which has contributed to its delay. The film’s portrayal of a pivotal and contentious period in Indian history has sparked backlash and has not yet received the necessary clearance from the CBFC.
In response to Ranaut’s announcement, fans and supporters took to social media to express their continued support. One user tweeted, “No need to feel sad Kangana Ranaut. We are with you; whenever it releases, we will be watching it for sure and supporting you no matter what!!”
However, not all reactions were supportive. Some users expressed skepticism about the film’s prospects, with one commenting, “Super disaster movie.”
Despite these mixed reactions, Kangana Ranaut remains committed to her project. The film’s exploration of a controversial period in Indian history and its high-profile cast have generated significant interest. As the film awaits certification, fans and critics alike will have to wait for a new release date to see how Ranaut’s vision unfolds on the big screen.