With the ongoing lockdown situation, India’s homegrown OTT platforms ZEE5 and ALTBalaji are leaving no stone unturned in entertaining us with some clutter-breaking content. Adding to the excitement, the two leading players have dropped the final poster of the recently-launched web series, Who’s Your Daddy? And it certainly looks like our favourite trio of Harsh Beniwal, Rahul Dev and Nikhil Bhambri are having fun aplenty as they’re smiling away to glory with a phone in their hand. What are they so chirpy about, well there’s only one way to find out?
The dramedy, featuring Rahul Dev and Harsh Beniwal as the father-son duo, showcases the day-to-day adventures of Soggy and his retired army personnel father who live in Delhi. Based in ‘Dilwalo ki Dilli’, they are the coolest family in the town where Soggy runs a DVD rental shop and earns a sizeable chunk by renting blue films to the ladies of Delhi’s posh societies. With 6 episodes already streaming on both the platforms, the story revolves around how Soggy and his father run a successful business until their world turns upside down.
To double the excitement, the digital platform is all ready to launch more episodes filled with twists and entertainment. Directed by Chirag Arora and written by Jatin Dua, the web-series also features a talented pool of actors like Anveshi Jain, Kasturi Banerjee, Divinaa Thackur, Lizaa Malik, Samarth Shandilya, Abhilash Kumar, Divinaa Thackur, Shubham Kumar amongst others. With rib-tickling moments filled with drama, thrill, suspense, and confusion, the web series is a full-on blockbuster you can’t miss to watch!
New episodes premiere on 29th April