Producers Raju Chadha & Rahul Mittra gave the clap of their next film Tipsy at a suburban hotel in Mumbai. The Film stars some of the most prolific actors Esha Gupta, Daisy Shah, in lead roles along with Kainaat Arora, Alankrita Sahai & Nazia Hussain in prominent roles.
The film’s shooting is beginning with a song featuring all 5 girls and Esha Gupta, Daisy Shah, Kainaat Arora, Alankrita Sahai and Nazia Hussain have been rehearsing with dance choreographer caesar for the past two weeks. Directed by Deepak Tijori, Tipsy is an adventure thriller chick flick with great music.
The film is also produced by Mohaan Nadaar and will be shot at beautiful locales across England in London, Cardiff & Birmingham. Slated for a mid-2020 release, the makers are leaving no stone unturned in making Tipsy a visual treat & a roller coaster ride for the audiences.