Priyanka Chopra shocked her fans with her selfie showing her bloodied face. The actress took to her Instagram and dropped a story on Thursday captioning it Ha! You should see the other guy!” It was later revealed that she was wearing makeup for her upcoming spy series titled Citadel.
The filming for the series began earlier this year right after she completed the shoot for the movie Text For You. And will also feature Richard Madden in a crucial role. The movie will also have multiple spin-offs. The spin-offs will be planed in various other countries including India. It is reported that the Indian version of the spin-off would be handled by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK.
The series is directed by Joe and Anthony Russo. The two brothers are well-known for their direction in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. In a recent interview, earlier this year, the Russo brothers stated that they find Priyanka Chopra an incredible star.
They stated “She’s an incredible star. I mean I think she has been amazing. We just had a table read of the show a couple of days ago and it was fantastic. We are so proud of that show. We are excited for audiences to see it. We are just beginning production on it now.”
Priyanka Chopra has a busy year ahead with quite a few projects in her pipeline, including Ma Anand Sheela’s biopic, Matrix 4, a wedding-themed reality show, and a romantic comedy written by Mindy Kaling. Along with that, her big comeback in Bollywood is also along the lines.