Siddhant Chaturvedi who is also known as the silent find of India is an actor who is popular for the poems that he posts on Social Media. Recently, the actor took to social media to convey his gratitude to the doctors, nurses and policemen who are providing us with their optimum support to fight against the epidemic. They are practically the superheroes at the forefront!
Siddhant posted a special rap video on his handle. He thanked the forefront fighters in his own epic and unique way. He captioned the rap video:
“Here’s an effort to Thank all the heroes out there and to all those at home, stay strong! 🙌 ❤️@my_bmc #MumbaiPolice #Doctors #Nurses #StayHome @cmomaharashtra_Feat. Lil $ansu 😎”.
The actor urges us to stay at home and stay safe to provide support to the heroes fighting at the forefront and not cause any hindrance for them. Siddhant Chaturvedi is truly a source of inspiration and a beacon of awareness in his own special way.