To mark Bollywood star Katrina Kaif’s birthday extra special, co star Sidhhant Chaturvedi shared a out of the ordinary and funny behind-the-scenes video straight from the phone bhoot set. In this video, birthday girl Katrina experiments with rap as her co-stars Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ishaan Khattar trained her to get it right format.
Sharing the video, the Gehraiyaan actor wrote, “Vibe Hai Vibe Hai! Harrrrrrrrd! Give it up for the birthday girl! Katie-Kay! @katrinakaif”.
In this video we found Katrina in her hip-hop avatar of Katie Kay. As she continuously gets it wrong format and seen frustrated, Siddhant tries to help her to get it right, while Ishaan laughs. Kat even also takes a feedback on her rap skills from crew members. Ends of the short clip the three actors rapping inside a car as Siddhant films their funny video.
The reply section of this post is flooded with the lovable comments. Actor Vijay Verma commented, “Game apna parte isme chouke chakke”. Film director and writer Zoya Akhtar mentioned as, “Love it”.
Directed by Gurmmeet Singh and written by Ravi Shankaran and Jasvinder Singh Bath, Phone Bhoot is produced by Excel Entertainment. The film Phone Bhoot was earlier supposed to release in theatres on October 7. But, the makers announced that the film had gotten a new date. It will be slated to released on 4 November.