‘Pad Man’ producer Prerna Arora has finally given a statement against the allegations which were levelled on her. Her lawyer advocate Sunny Punamiya says, “The Investment by Gothic Entertainment was to the tune of Rs. 29.25 cr during the period 2016-17 & 2017-18 and KriArj Entertainment Pvt LTD has undisputedly paid a total of whopping Rs. 40.88 cr at a staggering 60% p.a. which eventually amounted to well over and above the principal investment. This was done only to honour the agreement between the parties.”
According to Mumbai Mirror’s report Producer gets 6 months jail for ‘Aggravated Contempt’. Now in her defence, her lawyer issued a statement to refusing court order and given a statement that her client does not consent with the court’s order.
“Prerna Arora does not require to surrender on 2nd March 2020 by an order of the Hon’ble Court. Further, in compliance with the order of the Hon’ble High Court Prerna Arora has also deposited a Demand Draft of Rs. 15 Lakh and an unencumbered property valued at Rs. 50-60 Lakh. It will be our submission in the Hon’ble Court that an amount of Rs. 40.88 Crore has undisputedly been paid to Gothic Entertainment above and beyond the amount of Rs. 29.25 Crore, as liable. Thus, a surplus payment of Rs. 11 Crore 63 Lakh has been made to Gothic Entertainment P. Ltd. at a staggering interest of 60% p.a. The excess payment has been done only to honour the agreement between the parties. Prerna Arora has every intention of complying with the directions of the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay and holds the Hon’ble Court in highest regard and respect having utmost faith in the judiciary,” says her advocate.
He further added, “Gothic Entertainment is just a mere investor who had on interest basis has given a financial loan to M/s KriArj Entertainment. They have twisted the facts and presented it to the media for an unfair “media trial” to further their single-point agenda to tarnish and destroy the image of Prerna Arora. The Article dated 1st March 2020 has not considered all the facts and judicial orders of the Hon’ble Court. It is shocking that one sided-story has been published. It is further upsetting to read that all the orders of the Hon’ble Court, for example, the order dated 28th February 2020 of the Ld. Appeal Court has not been considered, which was subsequent to the Order of Surrender and which in fact deferred the surrender of Prerna Arora. It is clear that a single-point object of tarnishing the image and credibility of Prerna Arora has been initiated and we are in the process of launching appropriate legal action, both civil & criminal, within the four corners of law’.
The family representative also emotionally states, ‘As a 33-year-old single woman she is moving the earth and sky to honour each and every professional commitment made by using her God-given talent and the strength to work hard to the last drop of blood & sweat. Prerna Arora is confident that she will fulfil her obligations and will not let her well-wishers down even though she fights a parallel battle of keeping her father medically alive. There is a very clear intent to tarnish her image in the Media.”
“Statements have been misconstrued, facts have been twisted and a clear breach of judicial process & ethical practices have been committed to malign Prerna Arora’s image, especially when the matter is sub-judice. This clearly shows the unethical treatment meted to her by people with vested interests’, concluded Sunny Punamiya.