Karishma Kapoor, Bollywood’s “Biwi No.1”, turns 47 today. She made sure to celebrate this day with her friends and her family. Karishma’s sister Kareena Kapoor Khan hosted a party full of glamour for her sister. Earlier on Thursday Bebo posted a picture of the balloon decoration for Karishma’s birthday. Recently, Kareena Kapoor Khan also posted a reel wishing her dearest sister.
Captioning the reel with, “Happy Birthday to the bravest, strongest, and the most precious woman I know… my sister, my best friend, my second mother and the center of our family… ❤️❤️ Chinese food tastes even better when we eat it together ❤️😍 I love you like no one else… I also do wonder sometimes who the older sister is but that is the best part of having one… My lolo ❤️❤️
#MyLoloIsTheBestest 🙌🏼😍 #HappyBirthdayLolo”.
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The video features many childhood pictures of Kareena Kapoor Khan and Karishma Kapoor along with their families. While the party was going on Amrita Arora took a glimpse of it and posted it on Instagram. The birthday girl was looking gorgeous in a golden and black full-length dress. The photo features Karishma Kapoor, Amrita Arora, and Kareena Kapoor Khan. All the divas were dressed in designer outfits.
Karisma has shared several clicks from the celebration on her social media handle. Scroll down to see some pictures from Karisma Kapoor’s birthday party…
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