After impressing the viewers with her power-packed roles in television, renowned actress Ananya Khare is all set to make a foray into the digital space with ALTBalaji and ZEE5’s upcoming web-series Bebaakee. She will be seen essaying the role of Benazir Abdullah, Sufiyaan’s (Kushal Tandon) stepmother, and Head of PR at her husband’s company. With excitement amongst ahead of the launch at an all-time high, Ananya’s sheer screen presence is sure to captivate the audience’s attention like never before.
Playing the role of Aadil’s second wife, Ananya’s character Benazir tries her best to assimilate herself into the Abdullah family. This is even after knowing that she will never be accepted by them. Becoming resilient with time, she learns to live with the fact that her husband has flings and flirts with other women.
Speaking about the series, Ananya Khare shared, “I am really happy to be a part of Bebaakee. Seeing how well streaming platforms are doing, I couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to explore the digital world. I play the character of Benazir- Adil Abdullah’s (Sameer Malhotra) second wife and who works at his company as Head of PR. It sees her manage both the aspects of her life in a balanced manner. It has been extremely interesting to act in the series with a talented cast and an amazing storyline. I hope the audiences enjoy and shower love to the character and series.”
The story of Bebaakee is based on the lives of Kainaat Sahni and Sufiyaan Abdullah, two contrasting characters with strong personalities. Kainaat is a simple and happy-go-lucky girl who has her goals firmly set in her mind, while the guy hails from a rich family. Their love for journalism sees their paths collide, leading to the pair feeling a high sense of chemistry between themselves. The puzzle arises when the duo simply can’t seem to figure out if this vibe between them is going to be followed by love or hate. What follows next is an unforeseen chain of events that begins to shake Sufiyaan’s close-knit family and their business.