Starring Ramya Pandian, Vani Bhojan, Mithun Manickam, and Vadivel Murugan, Amazon Prime Video today released a beautiful song from the much anticipated Tamil soulful satire set in a village, Seera Seera. (RARA) Raame Aandalum Raavane Aandalum slated for launch on 24th September 2021.
The soulful track is sung by Mahalingam, Rajeshwari & Krishh and the lyrics of the song are written by Yugabharathi. Seera Seera is a perfect song that will make you travel to a village ambiance. The song beautifully captures the simple little pleasure of life. The lush green fields with cows tilling the frame and depiction of villagers doing their household chores is a treat to the eyes of the viewers.
Directed by Arisil Moorthy, produced by Surya under his banner, 2D entertainment, RARA is all set to release on September 24, 2021, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.