Bollywood’s very own Sanju Baba celebrates his 62nd birthday today. The actor has had a rather epic journey. Starting from his brilliant movies to a rollercoaster life involving various hurdles, his life is no less than a movie itself. But as it’s always said, “Behind every successful man, there is a woman” and the woman who stood by his side for 13 years through thick and thin is his wife Maanyata Dutt.
On his birthday, his wife took to her Instagram to pen down a heartfelt note along with an adorable picture of themselves. She captioned it stating “Wishing you a day of happy moments and a year of happy days😇…wishing you love, peace, health, and success ❤️…may God always play in your team and continue to bless you with the courage and the fighting spirit that you have in your life… love you❤”
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The couple’s met dated for 2 years before tying the knots in 2008 in a close-knit intimate wedding held in Goa. The duo together faced countless challenges. But having each other was their biggest support and each time they emerged victoriously.
Through all the rough patches that have hit Sanjay Dutt, his wife Maanyata Dutt stood by him. In an old interview with a leading publication, she shared how she shielded him from all his pseudo-friends.
She revealed “Wherever there’s power, there’s bound to be a lot of conspiracy hovering around that source of power. And let’s face it, Sanju is very powerful. There were too many people around him trying to use him. I came like a barricade in Sanju’s life to stand between him and those who want to use him. Naturally, these fair-weather friends resent me. I spoilt their party, you see.”
Sanjay Dutt too has eyes only for his wife. Speaking of his impact on her life she also added “Sanju has stood by me through thick and thin. I’ve known him for nine years. We started seeing each other seriously in 2005. But he knew my past. So when ‘friends’ tried to provoke him he just laughed it off. He knew everything about me.”
The couple’s love for each other is no secret. It’s evident in all their social media posts. They are also proud parents to Shahraan and Iqra. Maanyata Dutt also shares a cordial relationship with Trishala, Sanjay Dutt’s daughter from his first marriage.
On the work front, he will be next seen in Prashanth Neel’s KFG 2. The production team has also launched a new poster to celebrate the actor’s birthday.