The entire Bollywood is mourning ever since veteran actor Dilip Kumar passed away at the age of 98. The legendary Bollywood actor who ruled every Indian heart during a brilliant career span lasting over six decades succumbed to health complications this morning.
This heartbreaking news was first confirmed by Dr. Jalil Parkar, the pulmonologist treating Dilip Kumar at Mumbai’s PD Hinduja Hospital. The news was later announced to the public through his official Twitter account by Faisal Farooqui, the late actor’s family friend. “With a heavy heart and profound grief, I announce the passing away of our beloved Dilip Saab, a few minutes ago. We are from God and to Him, we return,” he wrote.
A funeral will be taking place at 5 PM, today. This news as well as shared through his official Twitter account. “Burial today at 5:00 PM. Juhu Qabrastan at Santacruz Mumbai,” the tweet read.
The actor was suffering from bilateral pleural effusion. This disease led to a build-up of excess fluid between the layers of the pleura outside the lungs and underwent a successful pleural aspiration procedure. He was discharged from the hospital just 5 days ago. He has been having breathing troubles for quite some time now. He was hospitalized once before on June 6 for the same reason.
As soon as the news spread, condolences and respect started pouring in from almost every eminent person in the country along with his fans.
PM Narendra Modi also paid respect to the evergreen character. In fact, right after the news was announced, a devasted Shabana Azmi was spotted visiting his house. Vidya Balan was also seen visiting his house to pay respect. Actors like Neetu Singh, Anupam Kher, and legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar also paid their respect and love through their posts.
The actor lost his two brothers to Covid-19 over the course of just two weeks last year. However, owing to his health complications, he wasn’t informed about this news. He is survived by his wife and evergreen actress Saira Banu.
The gaping hole left by Dilip Kumar’s death in the hearts of cinematic fans can never be filled. He shall forever remain alive in our hearts through his brilliant on-screen performance and super hit movies