ALTBalaji and ZEE5 recently launched the third season of Kehne Ko Humsafar Hai and did things very differently with its promotions for the final release. The series has received applause from all across and continues to garner appreciation. Producer Ekta Kapoor shares how she has been happy upon receiving so much positivity on the show.
The producer who is popularly known as ‘content czarina’ says, “The response to the show has reinstated my faith in backing subjects that appeal to the audience. People have told me that the show is an eye-opener when it comes to topics of relationships, love and marriage.”
Applauding the writers too, Ekta adds,”The writers have done a splendid job by showcasing the central characters in a balanced light. The show delves into complex emotions, and we have tried to justify each character and his/her actions. With the final episode set to drop on July 1, our social media timeline is flooded with fans sending their desired end to the story.”
This in itself is proof of how Kehne Ko Humsafar Hai is a series that has made an irreplaceable place in the hearts of the people. Shedding light on the various sides and aspects of a relationship with such perfection is commendable.
The series stars Ronit Roy, Mona Singh, and Gurdeep Kohli in the lead roles. The series has broken all records and has become one of the most loved so far. This is the perfect content one must watch to understand the complexity of relationships and much more.
The fourth season is already brewing and the current season is surely an exciting watch as one waits to see if Amaira becomes the latest Humsafar in Rohit’s life, or does he realize how much he loves Ananya!
The remaining episodes of Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain 3 will stream on 1st July 2020 on ALTBalaji and ZEE5 apps. Mark your calendars as the finale episode is sure to surprise you!