The trailer of ‘Shikara’ has been garnering love from all across but it is especially, the Kashmiri pandits’ community which is resonating with the storyline and throws further light on their agony. ‘Shikara’ brings back the untold story of Kashmiri pandits from the valley of 1990. The trailer stars Aadil Khan as Shiv Kumar Dhar and Sadia as Shanti Dhar, giving us the layers of blooming romance in the conflict-ridden state of Kashmir of the year 1990.
Social media has gotten flooded with heartfelt appreciation from Kashmiri pandits. The YouTube video has all the comments where the people are holding pride in it, loving how with sensitivity intact, everyone is feeling like it’s the tale back from home.
The film is filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s tribute to his mother and was launched at an event in Mumbai. More than 4,00,000 Kashmiri Pandits lost their homes and became refugees in their own country which forms the storyline of Shikara.
The trailer of the film begins with Shiv and Shanti, a couple in their abode where the violence erupts on 19 January 1990. The director brings the story to us around Kashmiri pandits and their sufferings during the exodus where Shikara presents an engulfing and gripping trailer.
Marking their first, the lead actors Aadil Khan as Shiv Kumar Dhar and Sadia as Shanti Dhar look promising and build the intrigue with their portrayal. The trailer definitely serves the potent dose of history, reality, curiosity and thrilling storyline. After the motion poster that was released earlier, the trailer has been loved all across and more so, by the Kashmiri pandits.
With the interest and excitement of the audience at its peak, Shikara, a film by Vidhu Vinod Chopra will be hitting the screens on 7th February 2020. Presented by Fox Star Studios. Produced by Vinod Chopra Productions and co-produced by Fox star studios.