The Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI) has announced the dates for the Lotus Make-up India Fashion Week in association with EbixCash Autumn-Winter 2020. The event will take place from March 11-15, 2020, at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. The Pearl Portfolio will be held on March 15 along-with the Designer Stockroom, where you can buy ensembles at competitive prices.
“We are delighted to continue our relationship with Lotus Make-up and EbixCash for Autumn-Winter 2020, as we hope to introduce new ways of thinking and celebrate fashion inspired by art. That’s why we have #FashionWearsArt as our overriding theme which will emerge as a melting pot of compelling ideas,” said FDCI Chairman Sunil Sethi.
This season the theme revolves around art, and its influence on fashion, which is historic and replete with memorable collaborations. The LMIFW will witness its reverberations through artistic garments, expressive installations and harmonious decor as we amalgamate all three aspects of the spectrum on the runway as well.