Filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj has unveiled a striking new character poster for his upcoming film Coolie, featuring the legendary Rajinikanth. The poster showcases Rajinikanth in the role of Deva, a coolie, distinguished by his identification tag marked with the number 1421— the only vivid detail in an otherwise monochromatic composition. The image depicts Rajinikanth in a dark shirt and a dog tag, lending an intense, gritty feel to his character.
Superstar @rajinikanth sir as #Deva in #Coolie 💥💥
Thank you so much for this @rajinikanth sir 🤗❤️
It’s going to be a blast 🔥🔥@anirudhofficial @anbariv @girishganges @philoedit @Dir_Chandhru @sunpictures @PraveenRaja_Off
— Lokesh Kanagaraj (@Dir_Lokesh) September 2, 2024
Kanagaraj shared the poster on social media with a note of appreciation: “Superstar @rajinikanth sir as #Deva in #Coolie. Thank you so much for this @rajinikanth sir. It’s going to be a blast.” Produced by Sun Pictures, Coolie features an impressive ensemble cast including Telugu star Nagarjuna, Kannada actor Upendra, Shruti Haasan, Sathyaraj, and Malayalam actor Soubin Shahir.
Coolie marks the seventh film directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The character posters for the film’s other key players have also been revealed. Shruti Haasan, portraying Preethi, is featured holding a shovel, while Nagarjuna’s Simon is depicted with a red scarf. Sathyaraj’s character Rajasekhar is shown with a red wire wrapped around his hand, Upendra’s Kaleesha is seen with a fish hook, and Soubin Shahir’s Daya sports a gold watch.