Finally, Chicken Curry Law released its trailer recently. The story revolves around the journey of a young girl who gets brutally raped and left to die. Her quest for justice brings two powerhouse actors, Ashutosh Rana and Makrand Deshpande at a courtroom face-off. This film not an engaging social drama but raises multiple questions in our legal system. It produced by Seven Hills Cine Creations and is written, directed by Shekhar Sirrin. It will hit the screens on August 9, 2019.
Talking about this film, director Shekhar Sirrin states, “Chicken Curry Law is the outcome of extensive research. We have spoken to and interviewed a myriad mix of professionals- activists, lawyers, psychologists, victims as well. It would be the most difficult part of making this film. I wanted in-depth research before attempting a subject like this. I have been lucky to have Ashustosh, Makrand on board and their nuanced performance bring the story to life.”
Ashutosh Rana, Nivedita Bhattacharya, Makarand Deshpande, Zakir Hussain, Aman Verma and Polish actress, Nataliya Janoszek are a part of the stellar star cast.
“We keep talking about the content being the king. This is one film which I can safely say has two key driving forces- research and script. I would urge moviegoers to watch the film as I believe there is a substantial takeaway for every Indian”, the director adds.
If you have not watched the trailer yet