Indian director, Aditya J. Patwardhan, and Italian producer Sara Sometti Michaels head up a diverse team of talented filmmakers and storytellers, be engaged in the making of the psychological thriller Transference.
This psychological thriller recently released on Amazon Prime US, set in Atlanta, Georgia. The tale revolves around the difficult subject of recovery from childhood sexual abuse with the theme of “Healing comes through forgiveness”.
Camille, well put together trauma therapist, goes home for her estranged father‘s funeral she is haunted by memories from the past that manifest as an entity threatening to tear her world apart until she finds the courage to face her demons and lay them to rest.
Talking about this film director Aditya Patwardhan shares, “As a director, one of the biggest challenges one can look forward to is to tell stories that matter. ‘Transference’ is one such project for me. It deals with a subject that has plagued societies across the world, and often happens where one would least expect. Victims of sexual abuse and their stories largely go unnoticed because of rigid social norms, the shame of exposure, and lack of support from within the community.” He further added, ‘Transference’ tells the story of Camille, a victim of sexual abuse, through an entity that haunts her; an entity that is in fact her childhood self that has horrid memories buried deep within her, memories that she never shared with anyone for the fear of shame and guilt. The longer she puts off dealing with her troubles past, the more she risks it affecting her present and future: her children. Transference builds the narrative around the idea that if darkness within is not pacified, it can go beyond the affected person and overflow into the lives of their loved ones. Camille has to struggle. This has been done by telling the story from two perspectives of Camille, as well as her daughter, Sadie.”