Nishant Malkani has worked a little briefly with late actor Sushant Singh Rajput when the two of them did shows on Zee TV. He played the lead in “Preet Se Bandhi Ye Dori Ram Milaayi Jodi”, while the late actor featured in “Pavitra Rishta”. He says he did not comment on Sushant’s demise earlier as many looked at it as a way of getting publicity.
“I did not like to comment in the beginning, because initially, people were speaking about it just for publicity, and I don’t think that’s good. It is immoral in my eyes to seek publicity on somebody’s death, but now that the initial fever is over, only the real genuine people can come out and share their thoughts about him,” he said.
He further added, “Sushant and I were a part of Zee TV in 2010 and 2011, my show used to come at 9 p.m. while his came at 9:30 p.m. We did a lot of maha episodes and events together and thus interacted during shoots. I have known him during that period because later I quit Zee TV and he also quit television for films, so we lost touch after that. But what I remember is that he was a humble, hardworking, and talented guy and he was somebody who would take charge of performance or scene and deliver it the way writers wanted.”
The CBI is investigating Sushant’s case now and the “Bezubaan Ishq” actor asserts that all those guilty should be punished.
“I am following the case and getting updates via social media and news channel. Forget about being an industry colleague, I think as a human being I feel that if someone took his life then the culprit needs to come out, and should be punished for what they did to a very young talented fellow who could have done wonders in the industry,” says Nishant.
Nishant also spoke about Kangana Ranaut and her gutsy attitude for taking a firm stand in Sushant’s case. The actress was one of the first few people from the industry who wanted justice for Sushant.
Talking about Kangana Ranaut, Nishant said, “I think Kangana is most of the time saying the right thing in a very blunt manner, because of which many people do not like her, but I respect her and I think she is saying all the right things and is also throwing light on the problems in the industry and those people who are causing that problem. I admire her for that and look up to her.”
He also spoke about the insider-outsider controversy in the B’Town and the favouritism debate in the TV industry. He admits that though he is against favouritism and nepotism, it’s part of human nature to work with people one trusts.
“It’s part of human nature, everybody likes to trust people they already know, and I think on that basis the industry also works fine. Of course, talent is extremely important, people who deserve should get the right opportunity, but many times people who are investing so much money they cannot trust a newcomer who is from outside the industry because they don’t know anything about them. I think more than favouritism and nepotism, it’s about trust. People want to work with those they already consider as their own, so I think for all the outsider including myself who don’t come from a filmy background we have to struggle for our way, fight battles against nepotism, and get our first break and with that break, we have to prove our talent.”
“When filmmakers start looking at us for their project, it means they see as that person who has delivered on a small scale and can perform in a much better way if given a bigger platform. I don’t support nepotism, but yes, it is part of human nature and all outsider including me have been fighting against and we have to fight against it. It won’t go away unless we outsiders take it upon ourselves to become successful and change the way industry works,” he concluded.
On the work front, Nishant recently wrapped up the shoot of his popular show “Guddan – Tumse Na Ho Paayega”. He is currently looking forward to work on some good content.