Alaya F has had quite a busy year post the COVID restrictions have eased as she resumes shooting for her upcoming lineup of projects. The actress was recently shooting for her Ekta Kapoor film in Chandigarh, returning back to Bombay to shoot for her other projects and brand commitments have now traveled to Panchgani to continue shooting for Freddy.
Alaya F recently took to her social media handle to announce to fans her collaboration with Kartik Aaryan for her second Ekta Kapoor film. She also shared a video of her traveling to the location for the shoot of her next schedule of Freddy.
On the video, she wrote, “Back to #Freddy”
A source close to the film shares, “After shooting for a part of the film in Bombay, the actress has now traveled to Panchgani to shoot for the next chunk of the film. The actress has had a very busy schedule and has been shuffling between her film projects as well as brand commitments.”
Alaya who was last seen in Punit Malhotra’s music video, ‘Aaj Sajeya’, will next be seen in Ekta Kapoor’s remake of ‘U-Turn’ and in Freddy alongside Kartik Aaryan. She also has some more unannounced projects in her kitty.