Discovery Plus, India’s first aggregated real-life entertainment streaming app, is all set to turn the festive season into a season of knowledge and learning with the launch of a first of its kind festival called the Discovery Plus The Big Learning Festival’.
To make this festival extra special, India’s top sporting, and entertainment celebrity couples- Lara Dutta- Mahesh Bhupathi, Saina Nehwal- Parupalli Kashyap, and Riteish -Genelia Deshmukh will engage with fans on social media with interesting quizzes, chats, watch-lists, and never-before-seen nuggets of trivia.
As a part of its special October line-up, Discovery Plus is also premiering content in new categories like War, Civilizations, Biopics, Nature & Medical Sciences along with exciting new titles for its passionate communities. This presents users of Discovery Plus with great new opportunities to learn about a varied new set of subjects.
Speaking about the festival Lara Dutta and Mahesh Bhupathi share, “Learning is a never-ending process and we’re delighted to partner with Discovery Plus on something so universal. The Big Learning Festival is a great way for people to win some amazing rewards and prizes while inculcating a habit of learning about the world.”
They also added, “Not only do these interesting shows and documentary specials provide an opportunity to understand and connect with the world, but they are also a great way to gather together with your kids, family, and friends to watch and engage around the important issues of our times.”
On the other side, Saina Nehwal and Parupalli Kashyap say, “There’s no age for learning. You can learn something new every day and that is what we rely on Discovery Plus for. Partnering with a brand like Discovery is a privilege for us as the platform is a one-stop destination for both entertainment and education. We both personally believe that learning is a process that takes place every second and it is what makes a person prepared for the big moments in life.”
Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, while speaking about the importance of learning, added, “As a parent, it is our duty to engage our kids with the content that will help them gain valuable knowledge at this age. We are very particular on what kind of shows our kids should watch in this digital era where everything is available on the internet. To teach something to our kids first we need to learn and then only we will be able to pass that knowledge to our children and I am happy that we have Discovery Plus where we can explore a variety of content from Science to Nature to Space to History. It is the perfect platform to engage right now.”
The Big Learning Festival kicks off on 7th October and will be running on the Discovery Plus app across iOS, Android, and web platforms. The festival ends on Sunday night, 11th Oct. 11:59 pm.
Discovery has also brought on board KPMG Assurance and Consulting Services LLP as process evaluators and advisors for The Big Learning Festival 2020 contest.