has announced it’s 11th experience with the gorgeous Rakul Preet Singh. This one of a kind exciting experience will give fans an opportunity to walk the red carpet and attend a star-studded celebrity event, hand-in-hand with the beautiful actress. Fankind will take care of the fans styling and fly them and their plus one to Mumbai for the event. Rakul’s fan will get a chance to pose in front of the cameras and have an evening to cherish forever with her. “Fankind has come up with this endearing initiative where I get to meet one of my fans and spend quality time with them while supporting an NGO that does a lot of good work. It’ll be truly fulfilling to create some magical moments for the people who showed so much love on me every day. I have chosen to support Aarti For Girls because it is a loving community that nurtures the unique potential of every child and provides them with the resources they need to realize their dreams. Aarti Village is located in Andhra Pradesh, and this enables me to give back to my roots because I started my career there. Education is one thing no one can take away from you. When girls are educated, their countries become stronger, and I am proud to be associated with Aarti for Girls to help educate children who will be the future of our nation,” says Rakul.
In order to win this experience, fans from across the country can donate on fankind’s website. The funds collected by this experience will be donated to Aarti for Girls, an NGO that aims to create an India where every girl is cared for and educated. Through Rakul’s campaign on Fankind, the donations will help pay for school fees and books for the education of economically challenged students studying in Aarti’s English Medium school in Andhra Pradesh.
Fankind gives a chance for fans to connect with their favourite celebrities through uniquely curated experiences while helping raise funds for various charities across India. With Rakul’s collaboration, the Fan will get to see the Glamorous side of Bollywood through Fankind’s Fundraising platform.