The winners of the 68th National Awards were announced on Friday afternoon in New Delhi. The entire ceremony is conducted by the Directorate of Film Festivals, under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Ajay Devgn and Suriya bagged best actor award for Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior and Soorarai Pottru. It’s a first National Awards for Suriya and Ajay Devgn receives his third National Awards for Best Actor. In 1998, Ajay won Best Actor Award for his film Zakhm and in 2002 for The Legend Of Bhagat Singh.
On the other hand Tamil film Soorarai Pottru won Best Feature Film, Best Actress, Best Screenplay and Best Background Score, while Tanhaji The Unsung Warrior bagged the award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment.
Ajay Devgn shares he is elated on winning the award for best actor. He says, ‘I’m elated to win the Best Actor Award for Tanhaji—The Unsung Warrior at the 68th National Awards along with Suriya who won for Soorarai Pottru. I thank everyone, most of all my creative team, the audience and my fans. I also express my gratitude to my parents & the Almighty for their blessings. Congratulations to all the other winners.’
The feature film jury is headed by filmmaker Vipul Shah; the awards were announced by jury member and cinematographer Dharam Gulati. 68th National Awards will be handed out in an event later this year.
Here are the winners:
Best Feature Film: Soorarai Pottru
Best Director: Sachy, Ayyappanum Koshiyum
Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment: Tanhaji
Best Actor: Suriya for Soorarai Pottru and Ajay Devgn for Tanhaji
Best Actress: Aparna Balamurali, Soorarai Pottru
Best Supporting Actor: Biju Menon, Ayyappanum Koshiyam
Best Supporting Actress: Lakshmi Priya Chandramouli, Sivaranjaniyum Innam Sila Pengallum
Best Screenplay: Soorarai Pottru, Shalini Usha Nair and Sudha Kongara
Best Screenplay (Dialogue Writer): Madonne Ashwin, Mandela
Best Music Direction (Songs): Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo, Thaman S
Best Music Direction (Background Music): Soorarai Pottru, GV Prakash
Best Male Playback Singer: Rahul Deshpande for Mi Vasantrao
Best Female Playback Singer: Nanchamma, Ayyappanum Koshiyam
Best Lyrics: Saina, Manoj Muntashir
Best Audiography (Location Sound Recordist): Jobin Jayan, Dollu
Best Audiography (Sound Designer): Anmol Bhave, Mi Vasantrao
Best Audiography (Re-recordist of the final mixed track): Vishnu Govind and Sree Sankar for Malik
Best Choreography: Sandhya Raju, Natyam
Best Cinematography: Avijatrik, Supratim Bhol
Best Costume Design: Nachiket Barve and Mahesh Sherla, Tanhaji
Best Production Design: Anees Nadodi, Kappela
Best Editing: Sreekar Prasad, Sivaranjiniyum Innum Sila Pengalum
Best Make-up: TV Rambabu, Natyam
Best Stunt Choreography: Rajasekhar, Mafia Sasi and Supreme Sunder, Ayyappanum Koshiyum
Special Mention: Aimee Baruah for Semkhor, Vaanku, June, Kishore Kadam for Avwanchhit & Godakaath, and Varun Buddhadev for Toolsidas Junior
Best Hindi Film: Toolsidas Junior
Best Kannada Film: Dollu
Best Malayalam Film: Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam
Best Tamil Film: Sivaranjiniyum Innum Sila Pengalum
Best Telugu Film: Colour Photo
Best Haryanvi Film: Dada Lakhmi
Best Dimasa Film: Samkhor
Best Tulu Film: Jeetige
Best Marathi Film: Goshta Eka Paithanichi
Best Bengali Film: Avijatrik
Best Assamese Film: The Bridge
Non-feature Films
Best Non-feature Film: Testimony of Anna
Best Environment Film: Manah Aru Manuh
Best Film on Family Values: Kukumarchan
Best Short Fiction Film: Kachichinithu
Best Investigative Film: The Saviour: Brig. Pritam Singh
Best Promotional Film: Surmounting Challenges
Best Science and Technology Film: On the Brink Season 2 – Bats
Best Exploration Film: Wheeling The Ball
Best Educational Film: Dreaming of Words
Best Film on Social Issues: Justice Delayed But Delivered and Three Sisters
Best Arts and Culture Film: Naadada Navaneeta DR PT Venkateshkumar
Best Biographical Film: Pabung Syam
Best Ethnographic Film: Mandal ke Bol
Best Debut Non-feature Film of a Director: Pariah
Best Direction: Oh That’s Bhanu, RV Ramani
Best Cinematography: Shabdikkunna Kalappa, Nikhil S Praveen
Best Audiography: Pearl of the Desert, Ajit Singh Rathore
Best Narration Voiceover: Rhapsody of Rains – Monsoons of Kerala, Shobha Tharoor Srinivasan
Best Music Direction: 1232 kms: Marenge Toh Wahin Jaakar, Vishal Bhardwaj
Best Editing: Borderlands, Anadi Athaley
Best On Location Sound: Jadui Jangal, Sandip Bhati and Pradeep Lekhwar
Special Jury Award: Admitted, Ojaswee Sharma
Best Book on Cinema: The Longest Kiss by Kishwar Desai
Best Book on Cinema (Special Mention): MT Anunahvangalude Pusthakam, Anoop Ramakrishnan and Kali Paine Kalira Cinema by Surya Deo
Best Film Critic: No winner this year.
Most Film Friendly State: Madhya Pradesh