Yash Raj Films recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of Dhoom, the 2004 action-thriller that revolutionized Bollywood with its slick style, high-octane stunts, and unforgettable soundtrack. The production house marked the occasion by sharing a special video on social media platform X, packed with some of the film’s most memorable moments. Featuring Abhishek Bachchan, Uday Chopra, John Abraham, and Bipasha Basu, the video is a nostalgic tribute to what has become an iconic entry in Indian cinema.
Accompanied by the pulsating beats of the title song, Dhoom Machale, the 41-second video opens with dynamic shots of John Abraham, Abhishek Bachchan, and Uday Chopra making their dramatic entrance. The clip not only celebrates the exhilarating bike chases and stylish action sequences that defined the movie but also highlights the fashion and music that resonated with a generation. The energetic Dhoom Machale track became more than just a song; it turned into a cultural phenomenon, widely popular as a caller tune across the country.
2004 – The year it all began…
Thrilling heists, edge-of-the-seat action, and an unforgettable album.
Celebrating 20 years of this iconic blockbuster. #20YearsOfDhoom pic.twitter.com/IYT6c0GnX5— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) August 27, 2024
The montage also emphasizes the memorable on-screen partnership between Abhishek Bachchan’s no-nonsense cop, ACP Jai Dixit, and Uday Chopra’s charming sidekick, Ali Akbar Fateh. The camaraderie and banter between the duo added a unique flavor to the film, making them a beloved pair among fans. One of the standout scenes featured in the video includes a gripping fight on a moving bus, underscoring the film’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of action choreography in Bollywood.
Directed by Sanjay Gadhvi, Dhoom was released on August 27, 2004, and quickly gained popularity for its fresh narrative centered around high-speed chases and cunning heists. The film’s exhilarating mix of action and music, with a score by Pritam Chakraborty, Sulaiman Merchant, and Salim Merchant, played a significant role in its appeal.
The movie was not just a critical and commercial success but also a trendsetter that inspired sequels and similar genre films. Dhoom grossed an impressive Rs 29 crore at the Indian box office, with its worldwide collection reaching Rs 72.5 crore. Its legacy lives on, not only through its sequels but also in the way it set a benchmark for action films in Bollywood, blending style, music, and adrenaline-pumping stunts in a way that continues to influence filmmakers today.