Filmmaker Hansal Mehta shared a delightful anecdote from the set of The Buckingham Murders, where Kareena Kapoor Khan’s young son, Jeh Ali Khan, made quite an impression. During the production, which was largely filmed in London, Jeh was often present with his mother on set. Mehta’s story highlights Jeh’s spirited nature, recounting a moment when the little one playfully “borrowed” a continuity prop, adding an unexpected twist to the filming process.
Kareena Kapoor Khan, who took on a role that she found particularly meaningful, reflected on the experience. She described the character as having profound depth and noted that it was the perfect moment for her to embrace such a role. According to Kareena, this part is markedly different from her other 2024 releases, Crew and Jaane Jaan. She emphasized the importance of continually challenging herself with diverse roles, believing it is an actor’s responsibility to explore new dimensions with each project.
Balancing her career with her responsibilities as a mother and wife, Kareena expressed her enjoyment of this balancing act. Jeh’s presence on set, while adding an extra layer of excitement, was a cherished part of her work-life integration.
With its release scheduled for September 13th, The Buckingham Murders promises to offer audiences a captivating and fresh cinematic experience.