Sanya Malhotra turned heads at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) premiere of her film Mrs. on Friday, wearing a striking outfit designed by none other than her mother, Renu. The actress expressed her gratitude towards her mother, acknowledging her role in keeping Sanya’s fashion game strong over the years. The actress took to social media to express her appreciation, referring to her mother as her lifelong “personal stylist” and crediting her for keeping her “fashionably updated” over the years.
“This one’s for you, Mumma,” Sanya wrote in her Instagram post. “From childhood, my mother was my personal stylist, creating and sewing clothes for my sister and me. She not only raised us with love but also ensured we were always fashionably dressed.” Sanya chose to honor her mother’s talent by wearing one of her creations at the prestigious film festival, particularly for the screening of a film that holds significant meaning to her, Mrs.
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The photos Sanya posted show her looking glamorous in a purple two-piece brocade ensemble, complemented by a red brocade jacket. She completed the look with silver stilettos, red lipstick, a neatly styled bun decorated with a silver kundan pearl headband, and matching jhumkas, adding a touch of traditional elegance.
Sanya also reminisced about how her mother had once dreamed of pursuing a career in fashion design, a path she couldn’t follow due to financial constraints. Instead, Renu poured her creativity into making beautiful outfits for her daughters, a passion that continues to inspire Sanya today. “Even now, I seek her advice before any major event,” Sanya shared, highlighting the deep bond and respect she has for her mother’s fashion sense.
The screening of Mrs. was a resounding success, with Sanya receiving a standing ovation for her portrayal of Richa. The audience at Hoyts Melbourne Central was moved by the film, filled with cheers, tears, and a flood of emotions for Sanya’s character. Mrs., directed by Arati Kadav and written by Harman Baweja and Anu Singh Choudhary, is the Hindi adaptation of the acclaimed Malayalam film The Great Indian Kitchen.
Looking ahead, Sanya is set to appear in Baby John, an action-thriller by Kalees, alongside Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh, Jackie Shroff, and Wamiqa Gabbi.