The first glance of Amitabh Bachchan and Rashmika Mandanna starrer GoodBye was released. Directed by Vikas Bahl, the film also casts Neena Gupta, Pavail Gulati, Elli AvrRam, Sunil Grover and Sahil Mehta in pivotal roles. Ekta Kapoor’s upcoming comedy drama will mark Rashmika Mandanna’s Bollywood debut. Rashmika Mandanna will be in one frame in ‘GoodBye,’ which will be an absolute treat for the audience. The first look poster features Amitabh Bachchan and Rashmika Mandanna sharing a popcorn while the rest of the family sitting in the living room and watches a wonderful match.
Sharing the look from film, the makers also unveiled its date of release on Twitter. They wrote, “Get ready to experience a heart-warming story about life, family and relationships! #GoodBye releasing on 7th October, 2022 in the cinemas near you!”
Get ready to experience a heart-warming story about life, family and relationships!#GoodBye releasing on 7th October, 2022 in the cinemas near you!@SrBachchan @iamRashmika @Neenagupta001 @pavailkgulati @ElliAvrRam @whosunilgrover #SahilMehta #VikasBahl #TheGoodCompany
— BalajiMotionPictures (@balajimotionpic) July 23, 2022
Rashmika, took to her social media and shared the news with her fans. The actor tweeted, “I finally get to say this. My Hindi debut film – GOODBYE! With @SrBachchan sir @Neenagupta001 ma’am. #VikasBahl and a mad cool cast @pavailkgulati #SahilMehta #Abhishek and so many such amazing actors and technicians.”
I finally get to say this 🥰
— Rashmika Mandanna (@iamRashmika) July 23, 2022
My Hindi debut film – GOODBYE!🤍 with @SrBachchan sir 🔥 @Neenagupta001 ma’am 🤍 #VikasBahl
and a maaaaaad cool cast @pavailkgulati #SahilMehta#abhishek and so many such amazing actors and technicians .. 🔥❤️
Is releasing on October 7-2022 💃🏻💃🏻
The movie ‘Goodbye’ will be essayed about life providing laughter, drama,
bonding and relationship. Last month, actress Rashmika Mandanna took to Instagram to post pictures of the team ‘GoodBye.’ She penned a long sensational note: “Goodbye. Hate to say goodbye to my baby ‘Goodbye’…. But guys it’s a wrap for me for Goodbye! It’s
been 2 years since we began this journey amidst covid waves and everything (it
was literally like the vows-through sickness and in health) but nothing could stop
us from partying our way through it all and now I can’t wait for you guys to see
what Goodbye is really all about…this is going to be funnnnnnn !….” In this
message, Rashmika addressed Big B: ‘You are the bestest!’ She also mentioned
Neena Gupta: ‘you are the cutest!’
Backed by Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Motion Picture, the film ‘GoodBye’
will give you a slice of life. The film is all set for its theatrical release on October 7, 2022.
Apart from that, Big B is filming in Brahmāstra and ‘Uunchai.’ He has Project K and
Butterfly in the pipeline. Rashmika is filming in Animal, Pushpa 2: The Rule, and
Sita Ramam.