Chimichurri serves Pan Asian cuisine which comprises of delights from countries like Japan, China, Malaysia, SriLanka, Thailand, Singapore and more. Asian cuisine has off late gained a lot of popularity in India, thanks to liberal travel laws. People have explored these countries and also have started loving these cuisines. This gaining popularity thrilled us to come up with this scrumptious dining destination, Chimichurri! The Chef Mr Kalyan Rai, Head Chef of Chimichurri share with us his recipe CHIMICHURRI SIZZLING CHICKEN
Chicken Breast 0.120
Pak Choy 0.025
Broccoli 0.020
Black Mushroom 0.015
Chimmichurri sauce
Corriander Leaves 0.005
Spring Onions 0.010
Ginger 0.005
Green chillies 0.005
Garlic 0.010
Soya Sauce 0.003
Salt 0.001
Sugar 0.003
Aromat 0.002
Oil 0.005
Cabbage 0.010
Mushroom Oyster sauce 0.020
Crushed Black Pepper 0.005
Recipe: Thinly slice the chicken breast and marinate the same with chopped ginger, garlic and green chillies. Set aside. Make a coarse sauce with the ingredients provided as it is the version of ASIAN CHIMICHURRI SAUCE. Clean, parboil and blanch the veggies include broccoli, pok choy and black mushrooms. Heat the wok and add chopped ginger and garlic and toss the marinated chicken. Once half cooked add the veggies to the same and toss it. Get the sizzler plate ready to serve the Chimichurri chicken sizzling. Add the required amount of chimichurri sauce to the chicken and veggies and toss it on a high flame Serve the chicken sizzling hot garnished with a sprig of coriander
It’s a perfect cuisine. Carve it up and eat it fresh, drizzled with a bit of leftover chimichurri.