In a momentous announcement, the Film Federation of India has declared Laapataa Ladies as the country’s official entry for the 2025 Oscars, specifically for the Best Foreign Film category. Directed by Kiran Rao, the film has captured the attention of audiences and critics alike since its release earlier this year.
Produced by Kiran Rao alongside renowned filmmaker Aamir Khan and Jyoti Deshpande, Laapataa Ladies features a blend of fresh talent and seasoned actors. The cast includes newcomers Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, and Sparsh Shrivastav, alongside established names such as Chhaya Kadam and Ravi Kishan. The selection of this film was made by a jury of 13 members who convened in Chennai, sifting through a pool of entries that included 12 Hindi films, 6 Tamil films, and 4 Malayalam films.
This film marks Kiran Rao’s return to the director’s chair after her acclaimed debut, Dhobi Ghat, and it premiered at the prestigious Toronto International Film Festival 2023, earning positive reviews for its engaging storytelling and rich cinematography.
In her statement regarding the Oscar nomination, Kiran Rao expressed her deep honor and delight, stating, “This recognition is a testament to the tireless work of my entire team, whose dedication and passion brought this story to life. Cinema has always been a powerful medium to connect hearts, transcend boundaries, and ignite meaningful conversations. I hope that this film will resonate with audiences across the world, just as it has in India.”
Rao also extended her heartfelt gratitude to the selection committee and to everyone who believed in the project. “It is indeed a great privilege to be selected from among such amazing Indian films this year—who are equally worthy contenders for this honor,” she added.
As the film prepares to vie for a nomination at the 97th Academy Awards, anticipation builds around whether Laapataa Ladies will make it to the shortlist. The film’s journey from local theaters to the global stage is a testament to the evolving landscape of Indian cinema and its increasing recognition in international forums.
With its blend of talent, innovative storytelling, and the backing of prominent figures in the industry, Laapataa Ladies is poised to leave a significant mark in the realm of global cinema.