The entire nation grieved when the news of Dilip Kumar’s demise broke out. Family, fans, celebrities expressed their condolences taking to their social media platforms. Renowned playback singer Lata Mangeshkar also penned a heartfelt note for the late actor and shared some beautiful throwback pictures with him.
Lata Mangeskar who shared a close bond with Dilip Kumar is still not able to grasp this unfortunate news.
Hours ago, Bharat Ratna awarded singer, Lata didi shared a series of tweets, mourning the demise of a legendary actor.
Lata Didi who considered Kumar Saab as her elder brother took to Twitter and penned a heartfelt note with dewy eyes.
“यूसुफ़ भाई पिछले कई सालों से बिमार थे, किसीको पहचान नहीं पाते थे ऐसे वक़्त सायरा भाभीने सब छोड़कर उनकी दिन रात सेवा की है उनके लिए दूसरा कुछ जीवन नहीं था. ऐसी औरत को मैं प्रणाम करती हूँ और यूसुफ़ भाई कीं आत्मा को शान्ति मिले ये दुआ करती हूँ”, tweets Lata Mangeskar.
She also shared some of the throwback pictures with Dilip Kumar. In one of the pictures, Lata Didi is seen tying a beautiful Rakhi on Kumar Saab’s wrist. While in another picture she is seen cherishing moments with Dilip Kumar and his wife Saira Banu. The photo clearly shows the comfort relation between Didi and Dilip Saab. Have a look here :
— Lata Mangeshkar (@mangeshkarlata) July 7, 2021
In another tweet, Lata Mangeskar acknowledges the selfless effort of Saira Banu in taking care of Dilip Kumar during his difficult time because of health issues.
She also pays tribute and prays for his soul to rest in peace. “यूसुफ़ भाई पिछले कई सालों से बिमार थे, किसीको पहचान नहीं पाते थे ऐसे वक़्त सायरा भाभीने सब छोड़कर उनकी दिन रात सेवा की है उनके लिए दूसरा कुछ जीवन नहीं था. ऐसी औरत को मैं प्रणाम करती हूँ और यूसुफ़ भाई कीं आत्मा को शान्ति मिले ये दुआ करती हूँ”, tweets Lata Didi.
Lata Mangeshkar used to regularly check on Dilip Kumar’s health and well beings. Very often she was spotted paying visits to late actor’s residents. Lata Didi continues to grieve the loss of his close friend and elder brother.