Actor Kunal Thakur, whom we have last seen in Kasauti Zindagi Kay, as Kaushik has a new addition to his family. An adorable kitten named Caramel Thakur.
The little kitten has brought a lot of love and positivity in Kunal’s life.
Speaking on his new pet Kunal says,” I am so happy to have Caramel in my life. She is beautiful. I used to have a pet dog but that was not adopted, Caramel is the kitten of my neighbour’s cat, who is a rescued cat. Personally I feel there are so many animals around us who are abandoned. Plus there are stray dogs and cats they all deserve a shelter. And I am happy that I have adopted Caramel. My life has changed and even lockdown has become interesting now. Though cats are more independent and do everything on their own, I do have to give her food and we have scheduled playtime.”
Kunal further adds,” When you adopt an animal you are actually giving back to mother nature. The feeling is gratifying, you also add good karma.”
On the work front, Kunal is eager to restart in Kasautii, just before the lockdown his character has been introduced in the show.