The 2020 film Khuda Haafiz starring Vidyut Jammwal and Shivaleeka Oberoi was a hit among all movie buffs and critics owing to its emotional narrative and the spine-chilling ordeal that the couple had to go through. Today, as the film marks its first anniversary, actor Vidyut Jammwal took to his Twitter handle and shared a clip along with a note thanking all the people who were a part of this journey.
He wrote “To all my well-wishers, On the first anniversary of #KhudaHaafiz, I want to take a moment to thank all those who have been on this exciting journey with me. It feels great to be celebrating one year of Khuda Haafiz during the shoot of Khuda Haafiz Chapter II: Agni Pariksha.”
To all my well-wishers,
On the first anniversary of #KhudaHaafiz, I want to take a moment to thank all those who have been on this exciting journey with me. It feels great to be celebrating one year of Khuda Haafiz during the shoot of Khuda Haafiz Chapter II: Agni Pariksha.— Vidyut Jammwal (@VidyutJammwal) August 14, 2021
The post caught the attention of his fans and they soon started sharing their love, support, and wishes for the entire team of Khuda Haafiz in the comment section.
Recently the actor also announced launching his own production house named Action Hero Films. The first film to be launched under this banner is titled IB 71.
New Beginnings!@ActionHeroFilm1 @abbassayyed771 #IB71 #DirectorSankalp
— Vidyut Jammwal (@VidyutJammwal) July 19, 2021
The film will be directed by Sankalp Reddy and will be produced in collaboration with Reliance Entertainment. Written by Aditya Shashtri, this film will be based on the 1971 Indo-Pak War.